Themes & variations in 3 movements
After walking and walking in an old, old city, patterns have taken shape. Ghosts of one type or another have coalesced, gathered, and introduced themselves. Here’s three such things which took some time to recognize as thematic. Three discernible patterns that I’ve enjoyed imagining were real, then verified, all the while working through some hypothetical…
February in Photos
February 2025, Córdoba, España — Somewhere in Córdoba. And then… somewhere else in Córdoba. In February, we didn’t leave Córdoba. We were too consumed with building furniture so we could, you know, furnish an apartment. Priorities are priorities. But I promised you photos. Julio Romero de Torres is a big deal in Córdoba. With good…
Ironwork: scrolling beauties for strolling neighborhoods.
The daily dog walk has presented oohs and ahs, the likes of which never cease to fascinate and stimulate, especially seeing the outcome of the artist’s creativity. One such creation is the amazing iron scroll work done here in Spain. It covers many windows, doors, garage entrances, and patio entries. It is used for security,…
8 things you probably didn’t know the Spaniards do differently
I’ve been keeping a collection of observations on life in Spain. Large and small differences from a lifetime’s experience in the U.S. As ever, a couple of caveats: 1) I’m making no complaints here, just pointing out what’s different. 2) It’s possible that most of these practices are prevalent throughout Europe. But I can only…
January in Photos
Well, the demenshea.com site migration did not go off as smoothly as we’d thought. My first January in Photos post, to showcase some pix from January, disappeared as the lords of ether futzed with our site and domain configuration. Meh. Whatever. I have no backup of the post, so I guess I’ll do a little…
A stroll around the block, a video message
I did a little impromptu video from my front door and around the block. To give a sense of where we live. Lots of unscripted commentary. Couple of things I could have been clearer about. 1) There is no garbage pickup where we have lived in Cordoba. All trash is taken to the nearby bins.…
At Home in Cordoba, España
Well, it has been two weeks since we moved from our AirBnB in Brilliante, Córdoba into our new apartment in Casco Histórico. We found a place we absolutely love. And after meeting our landlords, who both speak English (a rare find in Cordoba btw), we secured a lease for a year. Our landlords met in…
10 things you probably didn’t know about food in Córdoba / Andulasía / España
Inevitably, as new transplants to Spain, los dos were going to tell you about the different, strange, and remarkable things we’re seeing here in Spain — the Dorothy/Kansas things that are variously living-the-dream, am-I-dreaming, or WTF-this-is-a-nightmare sort of things. For this first take on things that make us go hmm, we consider things that make…
OK, people
On mercadillo Sunday (the blessed day of the giant small market) we went a-photographing at the Mercadillo del Arenal de Córdoba — which, if I’m not mistaking, means the outdoor market of the sandbank, but ought to be the outdoor market of the arena, because it’s literally across the freaking street from the city sports…
Have I gone round the bend?
Ok or “vale” as is said here with the v sounding like our b sound. I have remained extremely quiet during this madness of relocation, but I have had enough time now to absorb exactly what this means to me overall and I will shout it all out here!
First off, Gary has done…