A stroll around the block, a video message
I did a little impromptu video from my front door and around the block. To give a sense of where we live. Lots of unscripted commentary. Couple of things I could have been clearer about. 1) There is no garbage pickup where we have lived in Cordoba. All trash is taken to the nearby bins.…
At Home in Cordoba, España
Well, it has been two weeks since we moved from our AirBnB in Brilliante, Córdoba into our new apartment in Casco Histórico. We found a place we absolutely love. And after meeting our landlords, who both speak English (a rare find in Cordoba btw), we secured a lease for a year. Our landlords met in…
10 things you probably didn’t know about food in Córdoba / Andulasía / España
Inevitably, as new transplants to Spain, los dos were going to tell you about the different, strange, and remarkable things we’re seeing here in Spain — the Dorothy/Kansas things that are variously living-the-dream, am-I-dreaming, or WTF-this-is-a-nightmare sort of things. For this first take on things that make us go hmm, we consider things that make…
OK, people
On mercadillo Sunday (the blessed day of the giant small market) we went a-photographing at the Mercadillo del Arenal de Córdoba — which, if I’m not mistaking, means the outdoor market of the sandbank, but ought to be the outdoor market of the arena, because it’s literally across the freaking street from the city sports…
Have I gone round the bend?
Ok or “vale” as is said here with the v sounding like our b sound. I have remained extremely quiet during this madness of relocation, but I have had enough time now to absorb exactly what this means to me overall and I will shout it all out here!
First off, Gary has done…
Where did 2024 go? Going going gone…
In the afternoons here, it’s really pretty mild. The temps rise above 16 and sitting outdoors is reliably comfy. 16 celcius. It’s taking a bit to make this adjustment from the F we’ve known and cursed all our lives. At 16C it’s a smidge over 60F. So we’re pretty cheery in all these afternoon settings,…
Where did 2024 go? The final week, part I
Hell, I know exactly where 2024 went. Half of me says good riddance! And the other half is happy to start a new year in Spain. So much to do! We’ve been working a bit every day on getting a car and an apartment. It’s not nearly as easy as it might sound. In my…
A Christmas Update
It’s Christmas Day in España and los dos have been here two and a half weeks. Things are not as chaotic now as was the harrowing migration here. We’ve had time to explore Córdoba and we’ve done a couple of day trips. Which means we have some pix to share, along with some updates that…
A long strange trip (part 7) – wherein our sad tale inclines to a happy ending (because it had to, right? all that crazy shit could not go on forever…)
In case you somehow missed them all: Part 1, Part2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 But first, how about some pix?! Humans are pattern makers. Find two Best Westerns that allow pets and you really ought to keep checking the Best Westerns. Which is how we found the Best Western in Lyons, France. Lyons was about…