Yvonne Stagg and Dreamland revisited by Lois Pryce

Photo from The Independent 17 June 2015

My fellow rider and friend Lois Pryce has written a wonderful article on Yvonne Stagg, who owned and rode Dreamland’s Wall of Death. She was, incidentally the first and only female owner of the attraction although she had a team of other riders who entertained the crowds at the amusement park.

From this article I learned that Tracy Emin, a well known UK artist had been raised in the allure of the neon glow of the park. Having a profound affect on her youth, she longs to see the marquee basking in renewed light.

It seems that may soon be a possibility at least metaphorically, as Lois Pryce has written a screenplay for “Dreamland: The Yvonne Stagg Story”, which is currently in development. I imagine many of us will be awaiting that release with a true interest.

Bravo LOIS and thanks for the opportunity to learn the interesting yet tragic details of the life of Yvonne Stagg.

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One response to “Yvonne Stagg and Dreamland revisited by Lois Pryce”

  1. Wow – what an amazing story Lois shared. Just the picture scared me! I live in the US so will probably never see Dreamland but it is wonderful that it is being revived. Very sad story about Yvonne Stagg but she did manage to leave a legacy for others to aspire to. Great article and thank you for sharing it.

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