MSF course especially created for the US Military sportbike riders!

Following on the shirt tales of my previous blog post on motorcycle accidents in the US military and sparked by the comment from SGT Matthew Perry, I decided to do some more research to find out exactly what is out there for our armed forces as far as in depth motorcycle training. I did discover that the Motorcycle Safety Foundation has created a special course specifically designed for military men and women who desire riding sport bikes in their free time. Some of the armed services are now REQUIRING this training or equivalent training before soldiers are allowed to legally ride a high powered sportbike.

“The Department of Defense mandates rider training and specifies an MSF course for all military personnel who ride, and the U.S. Navy now requires that all personnel who own sport bikes take the MSF Military SportBike RiderCourse after they have completed the MSF Basic RiderCourse.”

“The Motorcycle Safety Foundation’s Military SportBike RiderCourseSM, developed in close collaboration with the U.S. Navy and U.S. Army safety centers, is now available to all branches of the Department of Defense.”

I know I am not alone in hoping to see the injury and death statistics of our returning veterans decrease due to proper motorcycle safety training.

For more information please visit

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