Daylight Saving Time…sez who?

Ok, I get it. For the hunter gathers daylight saving time could have been beneficial, that is if they gave a damn about time at all. But for us, in the world of today, what exactly are we saving except time that could have been spend not worrying about changing the time. I swear, I just got off the phone with my elderly father who wanted to know what time it was. See, now his phone will be off as well as every bloody clock in his home and in the homes of other elderly folk who will now all be living on the WRONG time according to some grand scheme.

As a rider, I do like the extra hour or ride time, but then if the time hadn’t changed, I could have simply gotten out earlier and still had an additional hour of ride time. It’s all just silly isn’t it? Who is saving what for whom and why are we saving it at all? Is there a bank somewhere that saved time is gaining interest? I wish we could just leave the time alone. I like my alone time.

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