New Rider? 10 don’ts to be aware of placed in random order…

You can’t help but begin as a new rider, however we can all take from the experience of others in being aware of what “NOT” to do and in doing so, increase our learning curve, protect ourselves and become better riders!

1. Don’t ride unprotected.
Get the gear and use it. Helmet, jacket, gloves, boots and riding pants are as necessary as the machine you are riding on so budget for the lot!

2. Don’t ride above your skill level or ride at your own pace and don’t cave to peer pressure!
Ease into your new sport. Keep your speed geared to your experience to control your machine. Usually the butterflies in your stomach will alert you to you comfort zone and remember riding is a hobby that grows confidence the more its enjoyed, giving new riders the opportunity to find their own road. Follow your road!

3. Don’t ride into exhaustion.
Every new rider wants to squeeze in as many miles in a day as is humanly possible. Unfortunately this enthusiasm will lead to both physical as well as mental fatigue, opening up the rider to mistakes which could be deadly.

4. Don’t group ride.
This couples with number one and peer pressure. It’s wonderful to have a mentor instructor to ride with or someone with years of experience that you trust, but group riding commands total concentration and a set of skills the new rider simply doesn’t yet have.

5. Don’t get dehydrated.
Although riding may not seem as physically demanding as other sports, being in the sun for the duration of the ride, sweating under protective gear and the wind whipping past, a rider can get dehydrated before they know it. Dehydration causes fatigue, headaches and the general lack of focus, none of which are good for riding a motorcycle. There are several good brands of “camelbak” type of backpacks. Get one!

6. Don’t enter corners too HOT, brake before entering.
Incorrect corner entry speed is the number one cause of riders going off the road. Read Proficient Motorcycling but David Hough and become aware of the road ahead.

7. Don’t get a bike that doesn’t fit you or is too large a displacement.
Buying a starter bike is just that. Get it used, get a 250cc or less and ride it until you are feeling good about your skills. This will be the bike that you will buy cheaply and sell for nearly the same amount. Everyone needs a starter bike and sit on several before buying see that it fits you. By this I mean that the handle bars are properly placed and the seat is at the right height allowing you to flat foot the ground.

8. Don’t forget to take a MSF course.
Look where the MSF courses are taught and sign up for one!

9. Don’t ride 2up too soon!
Make sure you have lots of saddle time in before trying to ride with a passenger.

10. Don’t combine riding and “one for the road”.
I suppose this would combine with peer pressure, but alcohol and riding simply don’t mix. Regardless of how unaffected a rider may feel from alcohol, any amount in the bloodstream delays reaction time, coordination skills and judgment, all of which are needed to safely control a motorcycle.

Please if you have other safely awareness thoughts, post them in the comments section. I welcome all new rider safety advice!!!

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