
Though this photo has nothing to do with the following tale, it’s appropriate nevertheless, showing that sadly squids are found wherever one rides. This one was spotted on Hwy 36 in NorCal which is one of the most awesome roads ever, especially when properly dressed!

Yesterday while taking my son to American River College, we were subject to a perfect example of why we riders experience bad labels and how the actions of the few affect the many.

As we pulled to the stop light, a rider approaching from our left jammed through the yellow light at a brisk clip and proceeded to lane split between traffic then went into slalom mode. We could see him zag to miss two people trying to cross the roadway and were able to assess his antics until he disappeared from sight exercising total disregard for others.

I know that everyone is in a hurry and that we often take safely for granted, however this rider definitely went many steps too far as he endangered not only himself but every other person on the roadway, as well as pedestrians. My sons and I talked about the behavior and then the more I thought about it, I thought that it would probably make a good point of discussion here.

I am just as guilty as others in my haste at times, but that said, I would never act in total disregard to others risking my safety and that of everyone else on the road. It’s crazy to insulate ourselves thinking that we are above reproach and invulnerable. His actions were blatant abuse of lane splitting, which is an asset to all commuting riders. His display was inexcusable and I found myself wishing there was an official present to grab is idiotic arse and slap him with a infraction. The action of this one dood reflects poorly on every one of us riding the roadways. I joked with my sons saying that if I wasn’t on a schedule to get one of them to school, I would have chased that sucker down and read him the “mom” riot act. What an asshat.

Ok…i’ve vented now. I can’t be alone in my feelings regarding poor choices made by other riders. This is a sport where risks are weighed and decisions made effect not only our lives but when traveling in traffic, the lives of others. I wish safety risks were more of a consideration and in a perfect world it would be.


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