Well, I’m thrilled to have begun a new year and hope that this season brings more riding than last season, but time will tell. I did decide to take on the Big Money Rally, which will actually be my very first rally. This is no easy rally being it’s set for winter riding with some rather ambitious goals, but I’ll do my best to get some scoring done. So far I’ve only gotten the most minor of scores, but I’m getting ready to head out soon to gather more points.
I have a few friends that also took on this rally and I wish them all the best scores and safest rides possible!!
I know many of you have stored your bike for the winter and I’m sorry you’ll just have to wait for the thaw. We are fortunate here in CA and able to ride all year! So, if you are stuck indoors, at least you can follow along with the shenanigans of those of us that are fortunate enough to keep on rollin’.
Happy New Year!!