Part 2–2012 Pashnit Girly Ride
We were to leave the motel, eat breakfast, gas up and meet at the station at 8:30. I arrived on the money and was surprised how many were already there, ready and raring to go! We got our group shot, divided into groups, and embarked on the day’s journey to Crescent City. I, desiring to…
Part 1–2012 Pashnit Girly Ride…what a weekend it was!
This is the 5th annual Girly Ride and every year is wonderful, but this year’s ride will stand out foremost as the “best one ever”. I simply can’t imagine it being any better, ever! I mean the roads this year were amazing and the areas where we rode outstanding and memorable, however it’s the riders…
The BEST RIDE ever…The Pashnit Girly Ride 2012!
We have had them in the past, in fact four others, but this was the “best ever” girly ride. I was in bed by 10pm last night, totally spent but very content. Even the traffic jam on Hwy 101 couldn’t take the smile off my face. I’ll be sorting the few photos I got and…
5th Annual Pashnit Girly Ride!!!
Woohoo…Tomorrow is the start to the Annual Pashnit Girly Ride. This year is the largest ever with 27 women and 25 riders. This is a three day event with the first official day of riding beginning on Friday July 13. 😉 The route is over these amazing NorCal roads on day one and over the…
Part 6–California Chicks having converged on Canada come home!
We spent a couple of lovely “off bike” day in Portland, giving me a chance to see my son, my sister and my mother. It was wonderful time spent. Tyler had an old friend living in Lake Oswego, right south of Portland, so she and I spend a few days away from each other. Tyler…
Part 5–California Chicks Converge on Canada
I awoke early on Castlegar departure morning to look out side and see that torrents of rain had taken over the outer world. The ground had rivers running across it and I knew this was definitely going to be a test of my FirstGear riding suit. I have no rain gear per se but the…
Part 4–California Chicks Converge on Canada
On our way to Elkford, BC. This was to be my third trip to the Nelson area, the first being in 2007 when I made my epic solo journey covering seven states and two provinces. I had only been riding for three years and was excited to take such a long and adventerous journey. I…
Part 3–California Chicks Converge on Canada
Leaving Grangeville was a wee bit chilly as the morning temps were barely 48 degrees. I was still stunned that since leaving Nevada we encountered very little “summer”. Bundled up with my heated gear we headed to Montana. Tyler, bundled like a kid in a snowsuit! All the wild flowers were in bloom on this…
Part 2–California Chicks Converge on Canada
Well, I have thus far neglected to impress what it’s like traveling with a celebrity. By celebrity, I mean the CanAm, what else did you think I meant?? At quite every stop, someone will approach saying, “wow, I’ve never seen one of these up close”. That’s just for openers, as what follows is consistent to…
Onward to Canada, Two California Chicks Converge on Canada!
I am unsure why, but this has been the longest it has taken me to put together a ride report of a recent journey. Whether it was the thought provoking visit with my aging dementia ridden father the first day, or the fact I spent nearly every evening visiting with my riding buddy giving absolutely…