A gentle & lovely first ride of the 2010 season!
I can’t believe it is already mid March and I haven’t been out riding but for a few short rides. Today, I was on a mission. Let’s go see if there are wildflowers in bloom in the foothills since I am seeing CA poppies popping up all over the place. It was a chilly morning,…
Daylight Saving Time…sez who?
Ok, I get it. For the hunter gathers daylight saving time could have been beneficial, that is if they gave a damn about time at all. But for us, in the world of today, what exactly are we saving except time that could have been spend not worrying about changing the time. I swear, I…
Oh those Brits!!! Think Biker
I swear, we could seriously take a lesson from the British here, on motorcycle safely campaigns. I have seen other safety ads, but none with as much humility and humor as this wonderful “Think Biker” ad. BRAVO!!
Back ROADS? Adventure riding in India! Wow!!
This is when i realize that I really don’t know *tough*
What a GREAT first bike for any new rider!
While immersed in personal issues, I have found myself neglecting my blog. My new mantra…I will do better!! I have recently discovered a very good looking beginner bike for all. This bike is a Suzuki TU250X. You can find a good review of the bike in motorcycle.com The bike is an air-cooled, SOHC, fuel-injected, five-speed,…
Long winter, or so it seems!
Man, it’s been a long winter this year, but maybe part of that is because my life has been so full of turbulent storms! My father this year is showing signs of demenshea and my ol’ yellow tabby developed diabetes, so I am been immersed in health care of one form or another. Phew. I…
The Art Deco Motorcycle–BMW R7
The BMW R7 was indeed a treasure demonstrating the sleek styling of the bygone Art Deco area. Crafted in 1934 by design engineer Alfred Böning whose vision was a departure from the “bicycle with motor” design still prevalent in the 1930s. The R7 incorporated sweeping enclosed bodywork, a pressed steel frame, valanced mudguards and then-innovative…
Stop, Signal, Manoeuvre 1960’s British Motorcycle Safety Video!
I don’t know…Tom may be safe, but he seems a bit stodgy to me.
Heads Up Everyone!!
The AMA just released a new video. Watch and learn!!