People wanna know when I first started riding!!
As I recall, I think I was fairly young. Looks like I began riding solo from the start. 😉
Love those Vintage Post Cards!
Sorting through an old box of ephemera, I discovered a stack of old postcards. Some of these were from my grandmother’s collection, but others were ones that I have found through the years. What made them interesting to me was not only the old colorized artwork, but searching to find if the places were still…
When is a photographic image no longer representative of life?
An altered postcard I found while traveling in Idaho. As an artist using photoshop, I am able to adjust a sunset, enhance a seascape, or allow a subject a quick 10 lbs weight loss, but knowing all this, how far do I allow myself to go before the adjustment is no longer the viewed reality?…
I have always been an advocate of starting small and working your way up to a larger displacement motorcycle. It’s how I began riding and usually, for those successful and ongoing riders, starting small was indeed the factor. I can’t stress enough just how much confidence one can get on a machine that can easily…
Fabulous VINTAGE photographs of female motorcyclists!
Surfing Facebook the other day I found this wonderful article full of historic photos of women on motorcycles. As much as I don’t usually just blog another site, I felt this was truly an article to be seen. I do hope you enjoy it as much as I did! 32 Badass Vintage Photographs of Women…
What a long strange trip it’s been…
This morning out of nowhere, the Grateful Dead appeared in my head’s musical archive and I began humming “Truckin” for no good reason. It seems my psyche is torn, between heading for the open road or hanging in the safety of my home studio thinking about all the art I haven’t been doing. “Sometimes the…
Meerkat rides!!
My friend Lois Pryce posted this adorable photo of FB this morning and I just couldn’t believe how cute it was and had to share. I believe it needs a caption. Got any ideas??
BMW Motorrad motorcycle assembly 2014 Berlin plant: one 1200GS coming right up!
They make it look so easy…but then look at the place, the tools and the manpower. I don’t believe I saw one women in the entire 9 minute video, not working nor draped 1/2 naked over the bike. Oh ya, that comes later. 😉
Big Money Rally Winter Ride…continues
The sunset in Monterey was truly gorgeous and I shot a 1/2 million shots from the bike as I headed for my motel to get one that was actually in focus! 😀 It was odd, as I got to the beachfront Best Western, I was certain Gary and his family would be ahead of me,…
The Big Money Rally and a reason for a winter ride!
Well, we don’t have much winter in CA. In fact this year we have had almost none, so trying to create a “reason” to ride is like trying a new wine or a new meal, I mean why not?? As I read about the Big Money Rally, I was keen to give it a go,…