Installing a frost/fog insert in you helmet with pinlocks…
I love my Nolan N104 and was fortunate enough to have a frost/fog insert lens included with my helmet purchase. For those of you that don’t and have a pinlock shield on your brand of helmet, you can purchase your frost/fog insert lens separately, for around $30bucks. They work well and will actually keep your…
Moto-Camping Beer/Soda Can Stove!! Coolest how-to ever!!
To find fuel for your newly created stove.
Nolan N104 Helmet Review
I’m finally getting around to a helmet review of my new Nolan N104. First off, I have to say what a HUGE improvement this helmet is over the Nolan N103. The shape alone was enough to draw me to spend the money for a new helmet as my N103 never did fit my head quite…
Winter is right around the corner…and for some it’s already shown it’s icy face!
Every approaching winter season I try to post a good article on winterizing your bike, for those unlucky folks that live where to bike is garaged for several months while the snow flies! Everyone has their own “winterizing” system, but I felt this was a pretty good overview and good enough to repost! This year’s…
Lois Pryce–Adventuresse!
What a delight to have found this interview of Lois Pryce to follow up my last posting. Lois was able to sum up the attributes of a motorcycle adventure aptly having gained her writing skills as a by-product of her adventure. I love that she personifies her “matter of fact attitude” and is able to…
Finding Balance…
Tioga Pass I don’t know, maybe it’s where the moon sits in the sky or where the stars are all located or maybe it’s just because I have another impending birthday that leads me to my 62nd year of dulling patina. I can’t pinpoint any singular cause, but I feel like I’ve been spinning circles…
Australia’s TAC presents Motorcycle Safety with POSITIVE messages!!
For more video from the TAC check Tarsnakes. A+ for some positive messages to keep both riders and non-rider aware!
Riding the NV/CA mountains with no particular place to go! Part 2
I was up early, but the chill of the morning made me reconsider an early start. Instead, I sat on my bed and sorted photos deciding what was worthy posting and those that were less so, as I awaited the rising temperature. Before long it was in the 60s and I was ready to head…
Why We Ride….trailer for a new film!
I can’t wait to see this film…it’s visually stunning and looks compelling!! Why We Ride Website
Riding the NV/CA mountains with no particular place to go!
Hugo coerced me, made me pack all the wrong stuff, took me the cold way and then didn’t allow my gerbing to heat. How’s that for a third date and does that make the romance a one sided type? Oh dear, I had a lot to consider as I attempted to scoot through a huge…