Tag: Canada

  • Riding the World…2012

    Every year I like to do a culmination slide show of the year of riding. This year I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to ride with one of my best pals, Tyler Risk. We did a 3500 mile ride up to the great Northwest and Canada in the summer, seeing some absolutely gorgeous…

  • Part 4–California Chicks Converge on Canada

    On our way to Elkford, BC. This was to be my third trip to the Nelson area, the first being in 2007 when I made my epic solo journey covering seven states and two provinces. I had only been riding for three years and was excited to take such a long and adventerous journey. I…

  • Part 3–California Chicks Converge on Canada

    Leaving Grangeville was a wee bit chilly as the morning temps were barely 48 degrees. I was still stunned that since leaving Nevada we encountered very little “summer”. Bundled up with my heated gear we headed to Montana. Tyler, bundled like a kid in a snowsuit! All the wild flowers were in bloom on this…

  • Part 2–California Chicks Converge on Canada

    Well, I have thus far neglected to impress what it’s like traveling with a celebrity. By celebrity, I mean the CanAm, what else did you think I meant?? At quite every stop, someone will approach saying, “wow, I’ve never seen one of these up close”. That’s just for openers, as what follows is consistent to…

  • Onward to Canada, Two California Chicks Converge on Canada!

    I am unsure why, but this has been the longest it has taken me to put together a ride report of a recent journey. Whether it was the thought provoking visit with my aging dementia ridden father the first day, or the fact I spent nearly every evening visiting with my riding buddy giving absolutely…

  • We are into July…Happy Independence Day!!

    Now did that bag fit perfectly or what?? Oh my, where has the time gone! I got home a few days ago from my Canada adventure and after sorting photos, chatting with friends and making a pedicure appointment, I’m ready to embark on a writing frenzy. We had an awesome ride to the Pacific Northwest,…

  • On the Road…

    My friend Tyler and I made it to Alberta and BC. We are heading to Castlegar today. I will post some photos, and a RR as soon as I am able. Cheers all and ride safely!

  • A ride approaches…

    Kootenay Lake, BC, Canada As many of you know, I tend to be a distance rider and less of a daily rider. I’m quite content to wile my day away swimming in the backyard pool, or creating a fashion collage. I have even been know to do an original piece of artwork or a fine…

  • Evil evil drugs…a little advice when crossing Canadian borders!

    I learned my lesson this past summer when traveling to Canada with a friend and at the border crossing we were asked, “do you have any prescription drugs”, to which we both answered “yes”. Well then came the query of how they were packaged. The border patrol was actually very nice, as he informed us…

  • 2011…Riding the World, my end of year slide show!

    Another awesome year of motorcycling comes to an end, but there will always be next year! I do hope you enjoy seeing where I’ve been as much as I’ve enjoed going…well almost as much! 😉 Cheers and Happy Holidays to you all!!