International Female Ride Day…I did my bit!
Well, I participated in the day, but it was a solo venture riding from my house to the house of a friend in Orinda, which is near San Francisco. I traveled over the Sacramento Delta, but I’ll further elaborate on that later. We had big plans to get out on the obscure hills of the…
What were you doing for International Female Ride Day?
I guess the question is simple…did you ride? I hope all of you that wanted to get out and ride did just that!!! *fingers crossed* I was returning from my trip to the southwest and the last few miles from Carson City to Sacramento were absolutely awesome, with sunshine, no wind, ahhhhhh HOME. I guess…
May 7, International Female Ride Day Ride!
Up and out with the sun warm on my back, I rode out to Highway 50 wondering where I could ride locally for International Female Ride Day, stay warm and get out of the commuter traffic. Ah, the woes of the unemployed!