Tag: Motorcycle Safety

  • Advice for NEW RIDERS from those with years and (s)miles!

    As we get more versed at riding, it’s nice to be able to help those that are just beginning. I fondly remember my first days of riding like it was yesterday. I remember the difficult times I had stopping on a hill, making a sharp right turn, braking, passing, riding in wind, and as silly…

  • 10 WISE Things all cars and trucks should know about MOTORCYCLES!

    Please share with all your friends and relatives, especially those that don’t ride!! 1. There are a lot more cars and trucks than motorcycles on the road, and some drivers don’t “recognize” a motorcycle; they ignore it (usually unintentionally). Look for motorcycles, especially when checking traffic at an intersection. 2. Because of its small size,…

  • Test your skills…electronically!

  • Brittany Morrow Rocks the GEAR!!

    No one plans on crashing so, I hope you are like me and Brittany and ALWAYS remember ALL THE GEAR ALL THE TIME! Never leave home without gear…it only takes one time and it’s a choice. How much risk are you willing to take? For more on Brittany and Rock the Gear. How to Avoid…

  • How to make an EXCELLENT U-Turn–Tighten yours up today with the help of STREETMASTERS!

    My friend Walt Fulton from Streetmasters presented me when requested, with these pointers on how to make the perfect U-Turn. “Hard to believe, but many of our students have exactly the same issue. Seems that the heavier and taller the bike the bigger the problem. I think the bags shouldn’t have that much effect except…

  • Stay a Hero, Stay Safe

    Every now and again, I find something regarding motorcycle safety that really moves me. This is one such piece!

  • Are we really that difficult to see?

    albqsusieq from Albuquerque showing what I and others would consider “perfect” riding apparel. I just read an article written by a women, who purported to have a near collision with a motorcycle that she simply “did not see”. I am mulling this around in my brain asking myself, what more can we do to be…

  • The Zombie Jungle…

    Today while running errands via motorbike I discovered that as much as I love riding, I don’t love riding through the ether induced masses. Some of the self-important indulgences of cagers are simply not acceptable and riding with an armor of vigilance seems the only way to not be added to the local traffic statistics.…

  • Streetmasters 2011: Precision skills for the challenging world of motorcycling

    The past weekend was spent at Streetmasters Cornering Workshop on one of the best weekends that it could have been held. The sun glowed, the wind kept at bay and the Horse Thief Mile offered up a perfect riding surface. This was my second year at Streetmasters, but after two months of rainy winter weather,…

  • Confessions from a Gear Nazi

    I always enjoy a good read and the International Journal of Motorcycle Studies or the IJMS always delivers. The Spring issue has an excellent article regarding helmets and gear written by Wendy Moon. The article is entitled, “Riding Half-Naked (Or The Conversion of a Safety Nazi)”. Wendy had previously had long heated discussions with her…